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NO Ring Binder for Ring-less People

Ringless binders
Binder notebook in one
Yellow Student’s binder – notebook in one

A bunch of us out there is swearing on our lives to avoid the Ring binders at all costs.

Their brick-like quality, Rings terrorizing fingers and Sticking out like a mountain spine don’t make it a favorable item on our shelf, especially when they are half empty. Every time you buy one you have to choose among one of the available sizes, and of course, if you end up using them, they are always too big or too small and in the end, the rings misalign.

2 Spine Binder
2 Spine Binder – notebook in one

But there is hope on the horizon. The 133-year-old reign of the Ring binder may end. Do you see the picture here? The yellow page with a couple of round cutouts? It is a binder made from a piece of paper using flexible ties instead of rings. It stays flat regardless of the amount of paper you put in. It can bind just a few 120-150 pages, but his cousin’s 2 Spines ring-less Binder can gobble up to 350 pages. All of it without the unique Spine dominating the Ring-binder. And there is one more member of the same (Insane) family: “Spine-Less Binder” This fellow has an appetite. It can devour up to 800 pages and has one more quality. Singlehandedly replaces all sizes of Ring-binder. No more headaches about which one we should choose.

Spineless binder
Spineless binder with a tag

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